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Home Forum APK Killifilia Convenções Internacionais 48.º Convenção da DKG

  • Autor
  • #219066
    Luís Oliveira
    Luis Oliveira
    • ★★★★

    48.º Convenção da DKG
    May 10 to May 13, 2018

    Schloss Hohenkammer
    Schlossstraße 18-25, D-85411 Hohenkammer
    Tel. 00 49 8137 9340

    Participation in the Show does not depend on a DKG membership. Everyone is allowed to participate under the following listed conditions.

    Only killifishes are accepted. Offspring from crossings of distinct species (hybrids) must not be exposed. Either pairs (one male and one female, hermaphrodites in the form of two specimens) or breeding groups (three pairs or two males and four females) can be exposed. In case more specimens are sent in, only the best pair or breeding group, respectively, will be judged.

    As soon as fish are sent to the exhibition, these automatically become property of the DKG. They will be auctioned at the last day of the Convention in favour of the DKG. The revenue of the auction serves to cover the costs of the Convention.

    The fish will be exposed in plastic tanks corresponding to the new version of the „Protection of Animals Act“. The water readings will be about 13.2° total German Hardness, pH value about 7.5. In case fish are sent in that have to be kept with certain additions, this has to be noted on the transportation recipient (additions used if necessary: salt, strong acidification or others).

    Fish for the Show must be registered not later than April 27, 2018 in written form at:

                                                                  Hubert Wischmann
                                                                  Lothringer Weg 35a
                                                                  D-45481 Mülheim

    Please register your fish in good time which facilitates the classification of the groups in the Show. Please communicate changes immediately.

    Due to the increasingly complicated import conditions (Customs, veterinary certificates), it is recommended to abstain from shipments from abroad by plane or parcel; however the DKG deeply regrets this situation. It is undoubtedly better to transport the fish personally and if necessary give these to killie friends attending the Convention.

    Fish that have been registered for the Show can be deposited directly at the Convention not later than Thursday, May 10, 2018, 14:00 h. There is no guarantee that fish deposited after this point of time will be judged.

    Please pack fish carefully and generously. Although we try to put all fish into the show tanks as quickly as possible, in case of high numbers of fish this procedure may take some time.
    Transport recipients must be labelled as follows:
    Genus, species, and if necessary subspecies as well as population / location name or code, the complete name of the sender, and the name of the killifish association or the DKG membership number, respectively. Please write readable and use a water-permanent and abrasion-resistant marker!

    The fish will be classified in the following 15 groups:
    Group 01            Eurasian killies
    Group 02            Northamerican killies
    Group 03            Small Rivulus
    Group 04            Large Rivulus
    Group 05            Southamerican Annuals
    Group 06            Nothobranchius, Pronothobranchius, and Fundulosoma
    Group 07            Fundulopanchax gardneri Group
    Group 08            All other Fundulopanchax and Raddaella
    Group 09            Aphyosemion calliurum Group
    Group 10            Diapteron, Kathethys, and Aphyosemion elegans Group
    Group 11            Chromaphyosemion
    Group 12            All other small Aphyosemion species
    Group 13            Former Roloffia = Scriptaphyosemion, Callopanchax, Archiaphyosemion, Nimbapanchax
    Group 14            Epiplatys, Aplocheilus, Pachypanchax
    Group 15            Lampeyes and Oryzias
    The breeding groups will be integrated in these groups 1 to 15.

    Two judges will give points to the exposed fish in the various groups. The minimum is 1 point, the maximum is 10 points. Fish will not be judged (abbreviation „k. B.“ = keine Bewertung = not judged) if the criteria (for instance number of males / females) are not given or a disease has been detected. The prizes for the first three places and the best breeding group will be given to those fish with the highest number of points.
    The decision of the judges is unimpeachable!

    The first three places of adult fish in each group as well as the best breeding group will win a prize and a certificate. The following special prizes will be presented: „Best of Show“, „Best foreign fish“, „Best Chromaphyosemion“, „Best Breeding Group“. Foreign killifish associations are asked to announce their special awards in good time.
    Each exhibitor receives a free show list.
    Following the by-laws of the DKG, trading fish, peat with eggs, technical equipment, and so on is not allowed in the Show Room and other rooms of the Convention.

    In the name of the Board of the DKG
    Dr. Thomas Litz, 1. Secretary

    Invitation to the 48th DKG Convention

    The Board of the DKG and the Regional Group „München“ (Munich) invite all foreign and national killifish friends to the 48th International Convention of the Deutsche Killifisch Gemeinschaft (DKG) from May 10 to May 13, 2018 in the Schloss (Castle) Hohenkammer in the town of Hohenkammer.

    Arrival by car – from North and South
    Coming from South in the direction of Ingolstadt/­Nürnberg/Berlin on Highway (Bundesautobahn) A9 and from North in the direction of München on the A9. Exit Highway A9 at „Anschlussstelle Allershausen (67)“ and follow the indicators to the left in the direction of Hohenkammer. Leave the roundabout at the second exit (180°) and follow the road in the direction of Eglhausen until you arrive at Hohenkammer. In the town itself, follow the road to the town limit where you turn half right on the B13 in the direction of Ingolstadt. Follow the main road till you pass the church, then turn left into the Petershauser Straße. 100m later you reach the Schlossstraße at your right hand. Parking places can be found directly after the bridge on your left hand.

    Coming from the airport
    Starting at the München Airport (MUC), follow Highway A92 in the direction of Eching/­München. At Highway Cross (Autobahnkreuz) „Neufahrn“ change to Highway A9 in the direction of Ingolstadt/­Nürnberg/Berlin. Get off Highway A9 at Exit „Allershausen (67)“ and follow the above description.
    Only with pre-registration at Klaus Stehle.
    Guests arriving by plane at MUC get the pickup offer with direct transfer to Schloss Hohenkammer.
    From Hauptbahnhof München (Munich Main Railway Station) take the subway „S-Bahn S2“ or the Regional Train in the direction of Ingolstadt up to the Station “Petershausen” (S-Bahn terminal station). The distance from Petershausen to Schloss Hohenkammer is but a few kilometres which can be done easily by Taxi. All guests of the Hotel „Schloss Hohenkammer“ have the occasion to travel from any place in Germany to their destination „Schloss Hohenkammer“ for the amount of 99 Euro.

    The Convention will be held in the Hotel named „Schloss Hohenkammer“ so that all events take place at one single site. The Exhibition will be in an event hall and the presentations will be held in various rooms. Schloss Hohenkammer GmbH
                                                                  Schlossstraße 18–25
                                                                  D-85411 Hohenkammer
                                                                  Telefon 0049 8137 93 40                           
    Single Room 84,00 Euro including breakfast; Double Room 101,00 Euro including breakfast (unfortunately not available anymore).

    The program of the Convention contains three presentations on Friday,  May 11th, 2018, the speakers are José Ramón García Gil, Emmanuel Fellmann, and Pascal Sewer.

    Further accomodation facilities:              Hotel-Restaurant Zum Forst
                                                                                  An der Lahn 4
                                                                                  D-85402 Thalhausen
    Single Room 60,00 Euro including breakfast, Double Room 90,00 Euro including breakfast, about 15 km from the Convention site:              Landhotel Huberhof
                                                                                                  Freisingerstr. 18
                                                                                                  D-85391 Allershausen
    Single Room 89,00 Euro including breakfast, Double Room 104,00 Euro including breakfast, about 6 km from the Convention site:              Landgasthot Lindermeir
                                                                                                  Münchener Straße 4
                                                                                                  D-85293 Reichertshausen
    Double Room 70,00 Euro, breakfast on request for + 8,00 Euro, about 4 km from the Convention site:  Hotel Gasthof Obermeier
                                                  Münchener Straße 1
                                                  D-85391 Allershausen
    Double Room 88,00 Euro including breakfast, about 6 km from the Convention site
    Further accomodation facilities like Pensions, Guest Houses, and Hotel can be found in the town of Allershausen and its surroundings.

    Visit Program Saturday, May 12, 2018:
    Only with pre-registration from now on at Klaus Stehle. Please ask for costs.
    Saturday, May 12, 2018, 13:30 departure from Schloss Hohenkammer with one or two busses to the Munich Botanical Garden. Our DKG member Dr. Günter Gerlach and his collegue will offer a guided tour inside the Botanical Garden, duration about two hours. The visitors will be split into two groups. All participants will be back at the DKG Convention before 17:00.

    The Price Award Ceremony will take place Saturday 18:00 in the event hall.
    Banquet will start Saturday at 19:30. A warm Bavarian Buffet will be offered for the price of about 32,00 Euro.
    Registrations from now on under the e-mail address kontakt@klaus-stehle.de or by phone under 00 49 151-22000055 at Klaus Stehle. To be paid at the Convention site (Klaus Stehle).

    We are looking forward to welcome numerous guests and are hoping for a good Convention with beautiful fish, interesting presentations, and companiable conversation as well as hopefully nice weather at the Schloss Hohenkammer.

    For the DKG Regional Group München
    Klaus Stehle

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